Cultivate Your Life
You deserve a life that’s nourishing, vibrant with health and radiating love. This is your birthright.

Your relationship within is the seed that grows all aspects of your being. When you nurture yourself with quality food, self-love, holistic practices, play, nature and an expansive mindset you can truly transform your life. If you’re ready to upgrade your wellbeing and lifestyle, I am here for you every step of the way.

After a 20+ year journey of healing my health, transforming the relationship with my body, food and overall mindset, I was inspired to share the key practices that helped me get lasting incredible results. This led to the creation of multiple holistic programs, guiding thousands of people towards a better life and thriving health!
Embodied health is an invitation to learn how to love yourself on all levels, to embrace a life free of toxic patterns (including extreme diets) and to liberate the dis-ease that has been holding you back.
As your guide, I will work with you to create a customized lifestyle and nutrition plan that addresses your unique needs and goals. Whether you're battling emotional eating, need to lower body fat or simply want to improve your overall health and well-being, I'm here to guide you on this path.

Monika is a leader in the holistic health and wellness industry as an online educator, coach, writer, speaker, facilitator and self-love guide. Monika received her degree in Nutrition & Dietetics while establishing herself as a versatile fitness trainer, smoothie shop entrepreneur and wellness event curator in South Florida. For over a decade she has had an online and in-person practice and specializes in creating holistic nutrition programs for weight loss and healing encompassing intuitive eating, water fasting, and optimal lifestyle education. Monika infuses her work with sound healing guided meditations, quantum healing practices and spiritual development skills.